Blue and White

I know:  Super.  Original.  Post.  Blue and White: no one has EVER thought of this before,

But I can't help it.  I've actually been trying to avoid it for a while.  When I did this shopping round up a while back, I was feeling a wee bit obsessed with all the blue and white products at Target.  And then, look, here's an ad, featuring all the blue and white bedding:

It's everywhere!  Traditional Home even did a whole Trend Roundup on Indigo and Navy:

I'm getting on the bandwagon.

Frances Shultz, House Beautiful

 Meg Braff, House Beautiful

Valerie Smith, House Beautiful

Windsor Smith, House Beautiful

Now, blogging 101 says that you should not post the same old images without sharing something new.  So how about this:  Blue and White looks fresh when it goes a little Indian.  Swedish?  So expected.  Nantucket?  Been there, done that.  Chinoiserie?  So classic.  But that hit of block print together with natural materials like this raffia headboard feels fresh.

Alexandra Angle, House Beautiful

 I was drawn to this fabric at S. R. Harris recently (that fabric warehouse I am always, always writing about).

Pretty, no?  Makes me think of a slightly busier version of this Les Indiennes print:

Except this one is on sale for about $300 a yard, whereas the one I found is $12.99.  Just kidding: it's $12.99 LESS 50%.  Either way: a better deal.

Oh, and also this one from the Chinoiserie camp:

On a related note, I think Peter Dunham may have recently outpaced Muriel Brandolini in the category Designer I Would Hire to Do My Own Pad (if I had buckets of money.  Which I don't.  At all.  In fact, my husband just questioned my purchase of a little spring jacket at OLD NAVY.  ON CLEARANCE.  Just for the record.)  His designs have the global thing going on a la Brandolini, but a bit more traditional and polished.  I love Muriel for her over-the-top moments, but somehow right now I'm digging something a little quieter.  Maybe it's just overload from my living room, which seems to be shouting at me right about now.  When I resolve it, I'll share.  Don't see how this is "a related note"?  Peter Dunham = Indian Blockprint fabrics.  Duh.

Anyhoo.  Too many words not really at all about Blue and White.

And so, with that, Good Night, and Good Luck.

Oh, wait: blogger 102 says to engage the reader.  So, reader: who would you choose to design your space, if money were no object?  Just curious.  And/or: blue and white, thumbs up or down?


Flashback Friday: I do.

